Bathroom Vanities Charlotte
Your bathroom vanity area includes everything from the type of sink you have, to your hot and cold knobs, to the type of cabinets that you may have underneath the sinks, to your style of bathroom countertop. There are of course all types of bathroom vanities in Charlotte, and they also include other items, such as the kind of mirror that the vanity area has, certain styles of lighting, and other accessories to decorate the bath vanity area. Other noticeable parts are the designs of the wall and backsplash, maybe a vase with flowers, or other kinds of decorations to make that space more attractive.
Many vanities may be constructed of solid plywood or particle board. Being that the bathroom is probably the wettest and dampest place in your home, you want to choose a brand that is going to be ready for that type of environment of humidity and constant moisture. Our experienced bathroom remodeling contractors will walk you through some of the best options that cater to the style that you desire most, so that you get the best use out of your bathroom vanity for well into the future.
Some homeowners who are receiving a bathroom remodeling in Charlotte NC have huge dwellings, and in many cases have to use their bathroom areas for storage of things that don’t necessarily belong in the bathroom. Maybe their closets in their bedrooms are already holding enough clothing and other things. Maybe the linen closets are already full, or they may not have a closet for linens in their home at all.

In situations like these (ones where large families are normally involved), utilizing extra bathroom space is something that you should consider in your Charlotte Bathroom Remodeling, being that there are so many beautiful designer cabinets that you can have installed, whether you are doing a large or small bathroom remodel.
That being said, just because you don’t have the largest bathroom in the world it doesn’t mean that your modern bathroom vanities can’t be complemented by, say, hanging cabinets that are up and out of the way and don’t make the bathroom look cramped. Your vanity tops will of course match and coordinate with the cabinets that you choose, and you should do your best to make sure that your colors blend together nicely from the shower, to the walls, to the vanity itself.
Our experienced bathroom contractors with Charlotte Bathroom Remodeling can also help you to find extra ways to utilize your vanity area (notably the drawers and cabinets) for extra storage, such as doing things like making a hidden double drawer (which is essentially constructing another drawer inside of a very large bathroom vanity drawer, a two-in-one feature).
Don’t hesitate to discuss these and any other ideas that you may have with our bathroom remodeling contractors during your initial free estimate session, because they are always happy to help out and put their 10+ years of experience to work in developing your new bathroom remodel in Charlotte NC.